The Creed of the Early Kullabi Asharis
We are pleased to announce that our first publication is in progress, entitled, "The Creed of the Early Kullābī Ashʿarites", which reaches over 1000 pages, over 2000 footnotes and lots of appendices.
This work was started on July 10th, 2010 in response to certain combined factors, and in less than three months (by October 10th), by Allah's praise, has gone from what was supposed to be a 250 page publication to four times the size.
The book deals with the roots and origins of the ilm al-kalam condemned by the Salaf and which was the foundation of the theology of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Kullabiyyah, Ash'ariyyah and Maturidiyyah.
See other parts:
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 10 - The Spurious 'Nasihah Dhahabiyyah' Ascribed to Imam al-Dhahabi and the Book 'Zaghal al-Ilm' (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 9 - The Correct and False Types of ta'wil - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 8 - Hamza Yusuf's Attempted Distortions and Fabrications Against al-Tahawi's Creed - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 7 - Between the 'Tafwid' of the Ahl al-Kalam And 'Pass Them On As They Have Come,' Without 'Tafsir, Ma'na, Kayf, Sifah and Hadd' of the Salaf - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 6 - False Analogies Made by the Jahmite Ash'aris Which Lead Them to Believe Shariah Texts Contain Tashbih and tajsim - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 5 - Saeed Foudah's Support of the Jahmite Deniers Against the Affirmation of al-uluww by Ibn Rushd, Ibn Kullab and al-Ash'ari - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 4 - GF Haddad's Deception Regarding al-Dhahabi, His Book al-uluww and the Phrase 'Bi Dhatihi' - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 3 - Abu Bakr al-Baqillani, His Book al-Tamhid, Allah's uluww and al-Kawthari's False Allegation Against Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 2 - Aqidah Books Authored by the Righteous Salaf and Deliberately Ignored by the Asharis - (see here)
- The Creed of the Kullabi Asharis Preview: Part 1 - Nuh Keller's Great Lie Against Allah, His Book, His Mesenger, the Companions and the Early Mufassireen - (see here)