Saturday, 25 January 2025 |
Never see Ash'ariyyah in the same light, ever again! Aristotle of Stageira, Philo of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, the Sabeans of Harraan, the Mu'tazilites of Basrah and Baghdad and the Jahmite Ash'ari Heretics of Today Claiming Orthodoxy. Read the first article, the second article, the third article, the fourth article, the fifth article.
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Introduction We were requested recently to comment on statement of creed issued by a person named Asrar Rasheed of Birmingham, who is an Ash'ari / Maturidi in creed (the word "Ash'ari" is an umbrella term that includes the Maturidis, that's how most Maturidis themselves see it). A scan of a statement of creed written by this individual was sent to us on 5th April 2011. We have no idea when it was written, but we commenced responding to it on 14th April 2011. In the commentary upon this statement, we will come to realize how today's Ash'aris do not really differentiate between the early Kullabi Ash'aris (who were much closer to Ahl al-Sunnah) and the Later Ash'aris who reverted to many of the positions of the Jahmiyyah and Mu'tazilah in the sifaat, and left the way of al-Ash'ari. At the same time, these contemporaries deceive themselves into thinking that what they are upon is the way of the Salaf, when the reality is that they are not even upon the creed of Ibn Kullaab and al-Ash'ari and his early students (the Kullaabi Ash'aris), let alone the way of the Salaf. Further, when they present their creed, it is presented in a deceptive manner using generalizations and vagueness, and the avoidance of any specificity and detail so as to allow a false ascription to the Salaf to be made in front of the audience.
Before we start commenting on his statement, we should clarify that all of those we have addressed previously on this site have been proven to be dishonest, conniving, calculated people, whose lies are plain and manifest to see to anyone with even an ounce of sincerity and the desire for seeking truth.
So Allaah knows best about Asrar Rasheed how he will behave after the hujjah is established upon him that his orientation in creed (coming from the Ash'ari Maturidi schools) is founded originally upon a matter that the Salaf condemned and vilified, namely the blameworthy ilm al-Kalaam which is the language of al-ajsaam and al-a'raad which he is trying so desperately to hide. What we find in practice is that as it becomes increasingly clear that the later As'haris had little to do with Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari himself and lost connection with him and that the Maturidis, from the very outset, were closer to the Mu'tazilah in creed than they were to the early Kullaabi Ash'aris, these people became more shrewd and more adept in the way they formulate and present their creed to the masses so as to conceal many things (by ommission) and to give the false picture that they are following the Salaf by maintaining policy of speaking in generalizations devoid of tafseelaat (details). Asrar Rashid's Statement of Creed This is a scan of a hand written copy sent to us, and inshaa'Allaah we will translate the relevant excerpts and comment upon them:
Translation and Commentary: Part 1 Asrar Rashid wrote:
...A [person] asked me to clarify my aqidah in the topic of Tawhid, so I say - and with Allaah, the Exalted, lies success -: We have a number of points here:
First: His ascription to the Salaf and their aqidah is upon his mistaken notion that what the Salaf were upon is what the Ash'aris [those who label themselves as Ash'aris today] and Maturidis are upon today. This is a demonstrably false notion, it is not possible to reconcile between these two because one is based upon the pure and untainted stream and fountain of revelation and the other is based upon the refuse of the previous Hellenized nations from the Jews, Christians and Sabeans who had founded their theology upon the language of al-ajsaam wal-a'raad which then came to the Mutakallimeen of Islaam, from which are the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Raafidee Hishaamiyyah, Kullaabiyyah, Ash'ariyyah, Karraamiyyah and Maturidiyyah. This was what the Salaf were very severe against, and this is the very Kalaam they condemnded and declared its practitioner a deviant, heretic, straying wanderer. Do not be deceived by the tricks these people play today by fooling around with the definition of "Kalaam" and when they try to convince you that the Salaf practiced "kalaam." Kalaam is a generic word, and the Salaf did not condemn the genus of Kalaam (as in speech in theological matters), but they condemned the Kalaam which is the language of al-ajsaam wal-a'raad and which is the foundation of the deen of the Mutakallimeen, the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Kullaabiyyah, Karraamiyyah, Ash'ariyyah, Maturidiyyah - all of them, both the Mu'attilah amongst them and the Mujassimah amongst them. We shall look at his next statement in Part 2 inshaa'Allaah.
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