Monday, 09 December 2024 |
Never see Ash'ariyyah in the same light, ever again! Aristotle of Stageira, Philo of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, the Sabeans of Harraan, the Mu'tazilites of Basrah and Baghdad and the Jahmite Ash'ari Heretics of Today Claiming Orthodoxy. Read the first article, the second article, the third article, the fourth article, the fifth article.
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Welcome to the official launch of Aristotelian's Anonymous - a Detox and support program run in association with our Clinic for victims who compulsively "speak creed under influence" and are unable to let go of this habit which can have devastating effects upon one's intellect, soul, life, and abode in the Hereafter.
With this official launch we would like to lay down both the theoretical and practical aspects of our support group as well as introduce a new phraseology that will allow rapid understanding and quick communication of ideas and concepts to help victims. Understanding Intoxication Medically, Intoxication is generally defined as "an abnormal [mental, psychological] state that is essentially poisoning", and this definition is based around "physical intoxication" brought about through drugs, alcohol, serum or any toxic substance. With that broad definition in mind, we should realize, for our purposes at the AA, that there are four types of intoxication:
Our Detox and support program will be focusing on Level 4 due to its very insidious nature. It is the most difficult and challenging of levels to treat, but hopefully, if we can break that barrier and overcome the hurdle, we are certain the lives of tens of thousands of victims will be turned around put back on track. How Are Victims First Introduced to the Bottle? As we mentioned in our early announcement about the AA (see here), most victims that we have come across have unfortunately been "spiked". And it works something like this:
The predator first convinces the victim that the greatest threat and challenge to a Muslim's belief is Atheism (disbelief in a creator). The victim accepts this premise and thus anticipates a remedy. The predator then presents the idea that the ultimate truth is "rationally proving Allaah exists" and that "rationally proving Allaah exists" is the ultimate foundation of a Muslim's faith. The predator may even go as far as to say that if a person does not know how to rationally demonstrate the existence of a creator, he has no faith at all and is not a Muslim. All of this is part of setting up the victim. Note there is a difference between a person affirming his belief in a Creator by simply uttering the two testimonies of faith (which is the very first thing the Messengers called to) and between a person "rationally proving a creator" (see Ibn Hajr on this here and here). The victim by now will have been disarmed, and it is here that the victim is "spiked" with the terms, definitions and classifications that are used as part of the claimed rational demonstration. Once "spiked" the victim is unable to let go of such foreign terms, definitions and classifications when speaking about Allaah the Most High. This is the start of a very tiring and wearisome path in which a person has unwittingly set themselves up, after a life-time of abuse, for the condition known as "Ash'ari Burnout". In fact, we have already started treating some cases in our Clinic. From both the few clinical studies and the many non-clinical observational studies we have done so far, once spiked, the victims' entire thought patterns and conceptual frameworks are essentially reduced what is found in this diagram:
Once, this has taken place, the victim will be subject to a potential lifetime of bondage to the bottle, and the container can only pour what it has been filled with, as the saying goes. For readers with interest, it is probably appropriate to give a brief account of how the "Maqoolaat" were seeded and matured over the centuries.
The Maqoolaat and hudooth ul-ajsaam (Createdness of Bodies) - A Very Brief and Concise History We have extensively covered this in many articles on this site and you can refer to them for further information. Our aim here was merely to show how the Vintage 322BC came to be and how it matured over the centuries, and has become very appealing, alluring and of course "intoxicating". How Can You Tell Someone Is "Speaking Creed Under Influence" The signs of "speaking creed under influence" are very obvious and apparent to the observer, though the victim, due to the insidious nature of that Vintage 322BC, will not be any the wiser. In fact, upon the false premise that rationally proving Allaah's existence was the ultimate goal of the Prophets and Messengers, the victim in his delusion, will be thinking that he is at the peak of mental agility and intellectual brilliance. Broadly speaking, when you mention phrases and statements that occur in the revealed texts, (which ought to be left intact, as they have come), you will note the compulsive need to interfere with such revealed texts through the language, terminology, implications and necessities arising from Aristotle's al-Maqoolaat al-Ashar. It is best to demonstrate this with a typical dialogue between a Sunni Muthabbit and Spiked Victim:
Sunni Muthabbit: Allaah is most-knowledgeable of His Self and His Messenger is the most-knowledgeable of all of the creation of Him, as well as the most eloquent in speech, and from what they have stated is Allaah is "above the heaven" and Allaah is "above the Throne". You can see from this typical dialogue that "speaking creed under the influence" has obvious and apparent signs, though at times they can be very subtle and hardly discernible. We will be conducting special workshops on some of these specific issues, so if you do know of those who habitually "speak creed under influence", please send them in our direction. What About Disciplinary Measures at Aristotelians Anonymous? The ruling for drinking intoxicants is forty lashes as the actual hadd (prescribed punishment), and then a further forty as ta'zeer (disciplining, exemplary punishment) at the discretion of the judge (qaadee), and this is usually done with palm-branches (stripped of their leaves). Al-Bukhari reports in his Sahih in Kitab ul-Hudood (Book of Prescribed Punishments) no. 6391:
عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه:أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ضرب في الخمر بالجريد والنعال، وجلد أبو بكر أربعين.
From Anas bin Malik (radiallaahu anhu) who said: That the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) in [the hadd punishment] for drinking intoxicants struck [the guilty] with palm-branches and shoes, and Abu Bakr lashed with forty [lashes]. And there are numerous other narrations in the same book in the Sahih in this regard. Based upon the fact that the one who enters into substance abuse inevitably befogs his mind and does not in reality understand or know what he or she is doing, it is hardly surprising that the Salaf stipulated a similar punishment for those who enter into kalaam abuse, befogging their intellects and subsequently not understanding the reality of what they are saying. It is well-known and narrated from Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H) as occurs in Siyar A'laam in Nubulaa of adh-Dhahabi, (10/29) and Sawn ul-Mantiq of as-Suyuti, (no. 65), also in Manaaqib us-Shaafi'ee (1/462), and in Dhamm ul-Kalaam wa Ahlihi of Abu Isma'il al-Harawi (4/294-295) that he said:
حكمي في أهل الكلام أن يضربوا بالجريد ويحملوا على الإبل و يطاف بهم في العشائر ينادى عليهم هذا جزاء من ترك الكتاب والسنة واقبل على الكلام
My ruling regarding Ahl ul-Kalam is that they are to be beaten with palm-branches and shoes, carried upon camels and paraded amongst the kinsfolk, it being announced about them, "This is the recompense of the one who abandoned the Book and the Sunnah and turned to kalaam." And ash-Shaafi'iee was very severe against Ilm ul-Kalaam and its adherents. In fact, he declared Hafs al-Fard a kaafir for his saying that the Qur'an is created. Many victims who are observed "creeding under the influence" these days and who identify themselves as Ash'aris also speak with the same speech as Hafs al-Fard. However, they vehemently deny that they are in reality saying this, which is an indication that they do not realize they are "poisoned". See here for more details on this subject. Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H) said, as reported by as-Suyuti in Sawn al-Mantiq (1/47-48):
ماجهل الناس ولااختلفوا إلا لتركهم لسان العرب وميلهم إلى لسان ارسطوطاليس
The people did not become ignorant and nor differ (with each other) except due to their abandonment of the language of the Arabs and their inclination to the language of Aristotle. This statement of ash-Shaafi'ee (rahimahullaah) is true both in the affairs of creed (aqidah) and in jurisprudence (fiqh), for both the Metaphysics and the flawed syllogistic and other forms of logic of Aristotle corrupted both of these disciplines for those who turned to the language, logic and Metaphysics of Aristotle. Having said all of this, we will not be implementing any of these measures at Aristotelians Anonymous at this point in time, as we believe that effective counseling is always the first step in any correctional facility, and it always tends to pays off in the long term. With extreme and rare cases however, we will keep our options open. We would also like to make clear the difference between sound reasoning or argument and the kalaam that is al-jawhar wal-'arad (Aristotle's Ten Categories) for many people confuse between the two, and they refer to both as "Kalaam". We do not prohibit the use of sound reasoning and argument in order to refute what opposes the Book and the Sunnah, however, the Kalaam of al-jawhar wal-'arad is the condemned "intoxicant" that the Salaf reprimanded and many victims wrongly think that such Kalaam is permissible and that it is the same as sound reasoning and argument. It's not. This Kalaam is expressly forbidden, and it is the very Kalaam that the creed of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Kullaabiyyah, Ash'ariyyah and Maturidiyyah is based upon. Go and take a look at any standard Ash'arite textbook. The bulk of the opening of the book will always be spent on detailing Aristotle's al-jawhar wal-'arad, and arguing for the createdness of the universe through this terminology. We will be covering this subject in one of our planned Detox workshops inshaa'Allaah. For now, we will suffice with the saying of Ibn Suraij ash-Shaafi'ee (d. 306H) as narrated from him by Abu Ismaa'eel al-Harawi in "Dhamm ul-Kalaam":
توحيد اهل العلم وجماعة المسلمين أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وان محمدا رسول الله وتوحيد اهل الباطل الخوض في الأعراض والأجسام وانما بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بانكار ذلك
The Tawheed of the people of knowledge and the jamaa'ah of the Muslims is "I testify none is worthy of worship except Allaah (alone) and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah". And the Tawheed of the people of falsehood is disputing about al-a'raad (incidental attributes) and al-ajsaam (bodies) and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was sent with the rejection of that. And an entire treatise could be written just on this statement alone inshaa'Allaah. What is the Starting Point? The first step in our Detox protocol is to help victims acknowledge that they do have a problem with the bottle. Most victims pass their lives in denial, and as such, will never receive the appropriate counseling and treatment. While it may be plainly obvious to onlookers, victims are rarely conscious that they are under the influence and actually have a personal problem. So we will be spending the first few sessions on helping victims to come to this realization through a program of self-awareness. Closing Words Well that brings this launch to an end! Thanks for attending. We hope that you enjoyed it and that you found it educational. You should by now have grasped the great amount of work that needs to be done to help the countless victims spiked and left in the lurch out on their own in that big, nasty, vicious world.
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