Monday, 09 December 2024 |
Never see Ash'ariyyah in the same light, ever again! Aristotle of Stageira, Philo of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, the Sabeans of Harraan, the Mu'tazilites of Basrah and Baghdad and the Jahmite Ash'ari Heretics of Today Claiming Orthodoxy. Read the first article, the second article, the third article, the fourth article, the fifth article.
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Piecemeal Commentary on the Attempted Intellectual Fraud Regarding their saying:
And the text for easier reading:
These things that we mentioned are considered parts according to the people of the language and not adjectives (awsaf). So they are explicit in indicating composition (tarkib), and composition is for bodies. So your mentioning of the word awsaf (adjectives-attributes) is deception. All of the people of the language do not understand from wajh, 'ayn, janb, and qadam except that which are composed parts (ajza). They do not understand from istiwa that means sitting except that it is a manner of placing something solid on a place. They [do not understand] from maji', ityan, and nuzul except movement that is particular to bodies. As for Will, Power, Life and its likes, they are the attributes of the essence (sifat al-dhat). After making some general points on this at the end of the first part of this article, we can now comment on this piecemeal It is strongly recommended that you read the first part before proceeding with what is below. Their saying:
These things that we mentioned are considered parts according to the people of the language... What is correct is that in their kaifiyyah, these attributes for mankind, or the creation, are in the form of limbs as we know and see them, and as for Allaah, the Most High, then as He has textually stated, "There is no likeness unto Him... (42:11)", the kaifiyyah of His attributes is unlike that of the creation. Just like His hearing, seeing, will, power, speech are unlike those of the creation, and just as they are affirmed as attributes, then likewise for Face, Hands, Eyes and whatever else has come in the revealed texts and is ascribed to Allaah through the ruling of the language that it is indeed an attribute of Allaah. And this also shows that these people do not understand these attributes except in terms of what they see in the creation, and thus the Tajseem, or its presumption originated with them, and then due to the repugnance they feel towards it, they reject it. Then they accuse anyone who speaks with the affirmation of these attributes without tashbeeh and takyeef of this very Tajseem which actually originated in their minds and hearts to begin with. Their saying:
...and not adjectives (awsaf)... This is baatil (false) and its refutation has already preceded from the likes of at-Tirmidhee (d. 279H), al-Baqillani (d. 403H), al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d. 463H) and Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) and al-Bayhaqi (d. 458H), each one of them spoke of Face (al-wajh), Hands (al-yadaan), Eyes (al-aynaan) as from the sifaat Dhaatiyyah - so this is a fraudulent statement - fear Allaah! Their saying:
So they [meaning these attributes] are explicit in indicating composition (tarkib), and composition is for bodies. You need to pay real good attention here - this argument they have included here, in order to reject these as attributes of Allaah is in fact the argument of the Philosophers against them for affirming the seven attributes. And these people do not have any scruples when it comes to fighting against the creed of Ahl us-Sunnah and arguing in favour of the conceptual understandings of the Philosophers, Jahmiyyah and Mu'tazilah. They are prepared to utilize the arguments of the Philosophers, which they themselves refute in order to defend their affirmation of certain attributes. However, to refute Ahl us-Sunnah, they have no problems in using the very same underlying argument - even if they consider it to be baseless. To get a real good grasp on this issue and to truly fathom the great fraud in this one sentence, your are unfortunately going to have to stop right here and do a whole load of reading and a whole load of understanding from all of these articles here (sorry!):
No harm if you continue without reading all of the above. Their saying:
So your mentioning of the word awsaf (adjectives-attributes) is deception. On the contrary, this claim of yours is deception and is outright academic and intellectual fraud as has preceded from the likes of at-Tirmidhee (d. 279H), al-Baqillani (d. 403H), al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d. 463H) and Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) and al-Bayhaqi (d. 458H) - see their quotes in the first part of this article - so fear Allaah! Their saying:
All of the people of the language do not understand from wajh, 'ayn, janb, and qadam except that which are composed parts (ajza). Thank you for confirming that you are the Mujassimah in reality and that the Tajseem originated with you and not with Ahl us-Sunnah, and thank you for confirming that you are in fact upon the creed of the Jahmiyyah in this regard who were the very ones refuted by the likes of al-Qadi Abu Bakr al-Baqillani (d. 403H), and al-Bayhaqi (d. 458H), and the early Kullaabis for rejecting these as attributes of the essence for the very same reason you are mentioning here. As for your constant reference to the "people of the language" then for mankind, their attributes of face, hands, eyes and so on have a particular kaifiyyah that is unique to them, and thus whatever tahdeed (definition in words) of the kaif and haqeeqah (true reality) is given is unique to the creation and cannot in any way apply to Allaah, the Most High - as is established by unequivocal and explicit texts in the Qur'an. And we advise the reader to go and read again all the statements we have brought in Part 1 from the aforementioned scholars that demolishes every letter, word, sentence and paragraph of these academic and intellectual fraudsters. Their saying:
They do not understand from istiwa that means sitting except that it is a manner of placing something solid on a place. Confirmation again that they do not understand what Allaah has described Himself with except in the manner of what is found in the creation, thus the Tajseem and tashbeeh originates in their minds, and on that basis they are forced to ta'teel or ta'weel. Their saying:
They [do not understand] from maji', ityan, and nuzul except movement that is particular to bodies. Confirmation again that they do not understand the attributes and actions of Allaah except in the manner of created bodies. And this is the response of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah to such presumptions of the Jahmites, as occurs in "Sharh Hadeeth in-Nuzool" (p. 459):
Which translates:
And that which it is obligatory [to speak with] definitively: Is that Allaah, there is nothing that is a likeness to Him in everything that He has described Himself with. Thus, anyone who describes Him with the likeness of the attributes of the creation in anything from amongst the things, then he is errant, definitively, absolutely. Such as the one who says, "He descends, undergoing motion and movement (yataharrak, yantaqil) just like a person descends from the roof to the lowest part of the house" and like the saying of the one who says, "His Throne becomes unoccupied of Him, and so His descent is vacating one space and occupying another", and this is baatil (false), it is obligatory to free the Lord from this, as has preceded. And the reason why these people fall into such mistakes is because they made Tawheed to be impossible to be understood except with the language and terminology and philosophy of the atheist Philosophers, such as al-jawhar wal-'arad, through which they argued that the universe, being made up of ajsaam (bodies) that possess a'raad (incidental attributes) and hawaadith (occurrences), is itself a collection of occurrences which must have a beginning and an originator, which is Allaah. Having made this proof to be the ultimate truth upon which Islam itself depends they were then forced to make all of their speech regarding Allaah to be nothing but a series of negations based around these same terms.
All of Tawheed to these people is derived and based upon what is found in the above diagram. That is the origin of it all and the core of it all, and this is what they put the Ummah to trial with. Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H) said, as reported by as-Suyuti in Sawn al-Mantiq (1/47-48):
ماجهل الناس ولااختلفوا إلا لتركهم لسان العرب وميلهم إلى لسان ارسطوطاليس
The people did not become ignorant and nor differ (with each other) except due to their abandonment of the language of the Arabs and their inclination to the language of Aristotle. And this is true both in the affairs of creed and in jurisprudence - for both the Metaphysics and the flawed syllogistic logic of Aristotle corrupted both of these subjects. Their saying:
As for Will, Power, Life and its likes, they are the attributes of the essence (sifat al-dhat). As we mentioned earlier, note that they did not explicitly mention hearing and seeing (as-sam' wal-basr) on a single occasion in their entire article, which they hold as attributes of the Essence. And the entirety of mankind, in all their varying languages and races, do not understand hearing and seeing except as faculties in limbs, and these faculties do not exist, ever, in other than limbs. So they were careful not to explicitly mention hearing and seeing, which are the two attributes that Allaah mentioned in the very verse, "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is all-Hearing, all-Seeing (42:11)" - because they know that the reader would understand the weakness in the claimed distinction, rather the fraud in the claimed distinction. Summary The contemporary Ash'arites refuse to understand whatever Allaah has revealed in His Book and His Messenger's Sunnah of Attributes except upon the kaifiyyah and haqeeqah (true reality) of what is found in the creation. This is very apparent and clear in what they have stated above and as such they are the Mujassimah and Mushabbihah in reality.
Further, these people tried to commit intellectual fraud - and they have been exposed in broad daylight - by trying to claim that the attributes such as Face, Hands and Eyes etc. are not "sifaat", and we brought statements from their Ash'ari Scholars, such as al-Baqillani (d. 403H) and al-Bayhaqi (d. 458H), and also from those they fraudulently claim are Ash'aris, such as Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) and al-Khatib al-Bagdhad (d. 463H) - free are these scholars from the creed of these contemporary Jahmites - and we quoted from Imaam at-Tirmidhi (d. 279H) who was quoting the consensus of the Imaams of the Salaf - and all of them affirmed these Attributes as Sifaat Dhaatiyyah and explained that it was the Jahmiyyah who rejected these as Attributes upon the presumption of Tajseem and tashbeeh and invented ta'weels in order to reject these attributes and explain them away. Inshaa'Allaah, to aid and support them upon birr and taqwaa (piety and righteousness) we will be writing up a recommended repentance for them. Sincere advice to contemporary Ash'aris - we suggest you actually learn and understand what the early Kullaabi Ash'ari creed was, once you overcome the hurdle and actually do that - you won't be looking at Ash'ariyyah the same way ever again. It is a very scary prospect for you, we understand.
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