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Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri al-Deobandi al-Maturidi On Abu Hanifah, al-Bukhari, Ibn Taymiyyah and the Sifat Fi'liyyah, and The Issue of Haadith, Muhdath, Makhluq - Part 1 Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Saturday, January, 08 2011 and filed under Articles Key topics: Muhammad Anwar Shah Al-Kashmiri Muhdath
Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri He is a Hanafi-Maturidi-Deobandi scholar (d. 1352H) and he has explanations of the books of hadeeth such as the Saheeh of al-Bukhari and the Sunan of al-Tirmidhi and dictations and marginal notes on Muslim, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah.
To the above are the covers for the books al-Arf al-Shadhiyy Sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi (tahqiq, Muhammad Shakir, Dar Ihyaa al-Turath al-Arabi, 2004), and Faid al-Bari alaa Sahih al-Bukhari (Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2005). We are going to quote his commentary on the hadeeth pertaining to the Nuzul (descent) of Allaah, the Exalted, as it contains a valuable explanation about the issue of Haadith, hadath, Muhdath, makhluq, and the confusion in these terms as it relates to the Sifaat Fi'liyyah (Allaah's chosen actions). And likewise his commentary on certain chapters in al-Bukhari's Kitab al-Tawhid relating to the Qur'an and Allaah's speech. As for his belief, then he is a Maturidi, and naturally, we consider him in opposition to the Salaf in his doctrinal views, and thus whatever refutations are found with the Salaf and their followers, past and present, against the schools of Kalaam, and ta'weel and the likes would be applicable. However, what we find here (in the quote that we are going to present and comment on) is a display of honesty and justice that you will not find these days (for the reasons mentioned above in the introduction).
Context of the Quote The quote we are going to present below occurs as commentary on the hadeeth of al-Nuzul (descent), and this is cited on page 414, the hadith of Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) which is also in the two Sahihs. There is a bit of discussion before we come to the actual passage we are interested in, and so we can summarize that discussion in the following points:
One: [p. 415] Mention that al-Nuzul (descent) is a matter of aqidah and not fiqh, and that a generalized belief in it is sufficient, as is mentioned in al-Fiqh al-Akbar which is a work authored by Abu Mutee' al-Balkhee, a student of Abu Hanifah, and who al-Kashmiri deems to be saduq (truthful). It is at this point now that we come the passage that is relevant to our purpose in this article. Before we proceed to it, an important observation needs to be kept in mind. An Important Observation Regarding Language and Terminology It is vital to understand that the Kalaam schools of theology (Ash'aris and Maturidis) have a particular language (not known to the Salaf) and they make use of terms and phrases to describe and characterize certain views. In this particular case, they use the word "hawaadith" (events, occurrences) to refer to the actions of Allaah tied to His will and power. Thus, when you come to read the speech of al-Kashmiri, you should be aware of the type of language he is using to characterize the view of Ibn Taymiyyah (which is the view of the Salaf), and you have to see beyond and above the terminology he is using and simply grasp the actual meanings and concepts that he is explaining and putting across. We do not agree with this terminology, and it is not from the way of the Salaf to speak of Allaah's actions (af'aal) in this manner. Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri on Ibn Taymiyyah, Hawaadith, and the terms Haadith, Muhdath and Makhluq Here is a screenshot of the page for reference (p. 417):
We can translate this piecemeal and add relevant comments. So al-Kashmiri said - after what has preceded above - from the sixth line down:
As for the orientation of al-Haafidh Ibn Taymiyyah regarding al-sifaat al-hawaadith [the attributes with element of recency] which are established with the Maker [Allaah] and are hawaadith, and are not created, and it is claimed that he agrees with the Righteous Salaf... Commentary:
What he is referring to as hawaadith are the Sifaat Fi'liyyah ikhtiyaariyyah, those actions that are tied to Allaah's choice, will, power and which He is not permanently described with, or those which are indeed permanent in their genus but are tied to will and power (like speech) as it relates to their instances. These includes the likes of ridaa (pleasure), ghadab (anger), mahabbah (love), dahak (laughter), ajab (amazement), nuzul (descent), istiwaa (ascent), majee' (coming), Ityaan (arriving) and so on. The Salaf never referred to these as hawaadith, and nor did Ibn Taymiyyah, rather we see the Salaf affirming all these matters, without distinguishing them from the permanent attributes, like ilm (knowledge), qudrah (power), sam' (hearing), basr (seeing) and what is similar to them. Their approach was consistent and uniform, which is to make ithbaat (affirmation) of everything without distinction and to negate tamtheel (likening) and takyeef (specifying the reality). And they waged war against the Jahmiyyah and Mu'tazilah and their offshoots who rejected these Sifaat Fi'liyyah in a variety of different ways, from them, by claiming they are eternal (such as with love, pleasure and anger), or by claiming that they are not established with Allaah's essence, but are simply what take place in the creation. So these approaches were taken by the Mu'tazilah towards the sifaat (attributes) and these approaches were borrowed by the Ash'ariyyah and Maturidiyyah from the Mu'tazilah and applied to the af'aal (actions). So we do not refer to these as hawaadith, this is purely the terminology of Ahl al-Kalaam, because their entire orientation has its roots in the Kalaam which they took from the Hellenized Jews, Christians and Sabeans (through the route of al-Ja'd bin Dirham, to al-Jahm bin Safwan to the Mu'tazilah through to the Raafidah, and to the Kullaabiyyah and Karraamiyyah, and to the Ash'ariyyah and Maturidiyyah). Hence, they have a particular theological language that is unique to them, through which they characterize not just their own doctrinal views, but also those of others (who are not from the Kalaam groups) from those who do not agree to this language in the first place. For this reason, these people have made mistakes in characterizing the views of Ahl al-Sunnah in certain areas, because they were looking at them with clouded vision. This is very prominent in the issue of the Qur'an. He continues:
...and it is claimed that he agrees with the Righteous Salaf, and he says: "Indeed, hawaadith, are established with Allaah through choice (ikhtiyaar), and He is not one who is devoid of hawaadith, rather He can be one described with hawaadith and also not described with hawaadith... Commentary:
As we said, al-Kashmiri, coming from the kalam theology schools, is characterizing the matter through the language of Kalaam. The actions of Allaah (af'aal), if they are said to be established with His essence and tied to His choice and will, such that Allaah is not permanently and eternally described with, by way of example, pleasure, anger, istiwaa, nuzul, and specific instances of speech (not the genus of speech), and so on, all of this is labelled as "hawaadith" to the Kalaam theologists. So in this passage from al-Kashmiri, you have to remember that we are discussing concepts through the labels and terms of the kalam theologists, so we are going to have to work with him on this, because the objective here is to see how al-Kashmiri is honest and decent enough to characterize truthfully the viewpoint of Ibn Taymiyyah, even if it be upon innovated language, and this is in stark contrast to the riff-raff from the hooligans, clueless zombies, dishonest swindlers and others who are from the school of al-Kawthari, GF Haddaad, Keller and others. As we shall see, that what al-Kashmiri is attributing to Ibn Taymiyyah (and the Salaf) is correct in meaning, but the terminology he is using is not correct, and we neither agree with it or accept it. He continues:
...And he [Ibn Taymiyyah] said: Between [what is] Haadith (recent) and [what is] makhluq (created) there is generality (umoom) and specificity (khusoos), for the attributes [of action] which are haadithah (have recency) and all of the things of the universe are hawaadith (of recent occurrence). But the sifaat (attributes of action) are not created, unlike all of the things of the universe [whose existence is] possible. Commentary:
This is a characterization of the view of Ibn Taymiyyah (and of the Salaf) through the language of Kalaam theology. In simple terms all it means is that Allaah is described with certain actions, which are established with His essence, which are tied to His will and power, and therefore they are said to be of recent occurrence (Haadith) when they take place through His will and power. So an example would be Allaah's speech, not in its genus (which is eternal) but in its specific instances. He spoke to the Angels before creating Aadam (alayhis salaam), and He created Aadam and spoke to Aadam, just as He spoke to Iblis, and He also spoke to Messengers, like Musa and Muhammad (alayhimaa as-salaam) and He will speak on the Day of Judgement, to the Believers and likewise to the inhabitants of the Fire and so on. All of these are instances of speech that are not the same as each other, rather they are different instances of speech and they occur at different "times". He continues:
And as for the Ash'arites, they say that the Maker, lofty be His name, is not subject to hawaadith (events), and they said that there is no difference between the Haadith (that which is of recent occurrence) and the makhluq (that which is created). Commentary:
Here we are getting into the crux of the matter, and it is the dispute between Ahl al-Sunnah, the Righteous Salaf, and between the Kalaam theologists. The language of the Qur'an, the language of the Arabs and the view of the Salaf is that what is Haadith is not necessarily what is makhluq (created). And the Kalaam groups claim that that which is Haadith is not anything but makhluq (created). It is upon this basis they denied the element of choice (ikhtiyaar, through will and power) from Allaah's speech and action, because according to them, it would mean that created things (i.e. hawaadith) take place in His essence. This is why they took those approaches towards the Af'aal Ikhtiyaariyyah that we mentioned before, be they the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, As'hariyyah or Maturidiyyah. Al-Kashmiri has now defined the Ash'ari view, after outlining the view of Ibn Taymiyyah (which is the view of the Salaf). He now goes on to discuss this matter. He continues:
And I say: The (Arabic) language is in support of al-Haafidh Ibn Taymiyyah... Commentary:
Refreshing to see a Maturidi scholar who knows his Arabic and correctly characterizes the view of others in this particular matter, unlike the deceivers that came on the scene in the 20th century from the madrasah of al-Kawthari al-Dajjaal al-Affaak, that perishing bigoted and blazing Hanafi-partisan. He continues:
And I say: The (Arabic) language is in support of al-Haafidh Ibn Taymiyyah, for when Zayd (for example) is standing, it is said, the qiyaam (act of standing) is connected to Zayd, and that Zayd is described (muttasif) with qiyaam. It is not said that he (Zayd) is the creator of qiyaam (in himself). Likewise, when Allah is described with al-nuzul, then there must be nuzul established [with Allaah], and that the Maker, lofty be His manifest evidence, is described with al-nuzul, not that He is a "creator" of it. Commentary:
This is what is known in the Arabic language and in the language of the Qur'an and to the Salaf. When Allaah performs an act, it is something that He is described with (muttasif), it is not said that He created the act in Himself. This is not known in the Arabic language. Thus, extending this to all of Allaah's Af'aal Ikhtiyaariyyah, Ahl al-Sunnah say that Allaah is described with them all, and they are not created events that take place in His essence, which is what the Ash'arites and their likes claim, that they are hawaadith (meaning to them, created), and this type of characterization of this reality is not something found in the Arabic language. He continues:
And with the very same thing that Ibn Taymiyyah said, al-Bukhari [also] said, that Allaah is described with attributes [of action] that are recent (sifaat haadithah), except that the explainers made interpretation (ta'weel) of his speech. Commentary:
Inshaa'Allaah we will address what al-Kashmiri has alluded to here in the next article, as it relates to Imaam al-Bukhari. But note here how he indicates that the explainers of al-Bukhari's Sahih [such as Ibn Hajar] tried to give their own interpretation to what al-Bukhari said. Al-Kashmiri continues:
And its like has also been related from Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf and Muhammad bin Hasan with an authentic isnaad in the book al-Asmaa wal-Sifaat [of al-Bayhaqi], when they said: "Whoever said that the Qur'an is created (makhluq) is a disbeliever", meaning, whoever said that the Qur'an is not an attribute of the Creator and that it is isolated and separated from the essence of the Creator. But they [Abu Hanifah and students] are not saying that the Qur'an is qadeem, meaning the Kalaam lafdhee, so the end-result is that they are speaking with the huduth (recency) of the Kalaam lafdhee, and not with its khalq (creation). And Ibn Taymiyyah authored a complete volume on the Creator being one with whom chosen actions (Af'aal Ikhtiyaariyyah) are established, and what we have reported indicates, in spite of the one who said that Abu Hanifah was a Jahmee, refuge is with Allaah, for Abu Hanifah speaks with what the righteous Salaf spoke with. Commentary:
Here al-Kashmiri has explained the difference between huduth (recency) and khalq (creation) in the course of explaining the view of Abu Hanifah (rahimahullaah) and his students. He says that they (like the Salaf) speak with the recency of the Kalaam lafdhee, meaning that Allaah speaks with His will and power, meaning He chooses to speak when He wills. In this regarad, al-Kashmiri makes reference to the treatise written by Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) on this subject in particular. In light of all of this, al-Kashmiri exonerates Abu Hanifah from being a Jahmite. You have to understand what he means here, he is saying that upon what is correct in the language (that Haadith is not synomymous with makhluq), and upon what supports Ibn Taymiyyah (against the Ash'arites) from the language, that Haadith (recent) is not synonymous with makhluq (created), and upon the view of Abu Hanifah and students that the Qur'an is an attribute of Allaah with the wording of the Qur'an (al-lafdh) being of recent occurrence [as in tied to Allah's will and power, meaning choice], then Abu Hanifah is not a Jahmite, since this saying does not mean the Qur'an is created! He continues:
So the essence [of the matter] is that the descent (nuzul) of the Creator to the lowest heaven is a true and real nuzul (haqeeqah), that is to be carried upon its dhaahir (apparentness), and [the knowledge of] its tafseel and takyeef is to be relegated to the Creator, lofty be His manifest evidence, and this is the madhhab of the four Imaams and the Righteous Salaf as has been quoted by al-Haafidh [Ibn Hajar] in Fath al-Baaree. Commentary:
This statement of al-Kashmiri should be read and understood in light of what he said earlier in verifying what the actual madhhab of the Salaf is with respect to tafweed. And he clarified earlier that their way was to affirm a text upon its dhaahir (apparentness), reject ta'weel, and to consign the tafseel (detail) and takyeef (how) to Allaah. And this agrees with what is known that the Salaf made tafweed of the takyif, and not of the meaning (ma'naa) that is dhaahir (apparent) from the text, except that you have to understand that the Ash'aris and Maturidis often use expressions to make their views appear as close as possible to the Salaf (in wording at least), whereas in the actual interpretation of those expressions (in private study), they mean something else. So when he says that the Salaf made tafweed of the tafseel and the takyeef, it is possible that by tafseel he intends the ma'naa (meaning). So one should be aware of this. He continues:
And the Ash'arite Mutakallimin have tended [to the view] they have tended to, and thereafter we say: Verily the statement of the Ash'arites that the Sifaat Fi'liyyah are hawaadith [as in of recent occurrence and therefore created], they have no evidence for this, for they are not haadithah. And if it is said that the Sifaat Fi'liyyah which come under the Beautiful Names of the Creator have an association (ta'alluq) with the hawaadith (created things) and are therefore hawaadith (themselves), then I say: That power [he means qudrah] and wish [iraadah] and other than them also have an association (ta'alluq) with the hawaadith (created things), and you [Ash'arites] do not speak with their huduth (i.e. being created). Further, that which is well-known amongst the Mutakallimin is that iraadah (wish) for example, is eternal and that the associations (ta'alluqaat, of that iraadah) with the muta'allaqaat (created things arising from that iraadah) are themselves hawaadith (of recent occurrence). And the smart ones amongst them said: The iraadah (wish), by way of example, and the association (ta'alluq) are both eternal and the muta'allaq is of recent occurrence (i.e. created) as has been said by al-Dawwaanee in Risaalah ithbaat al-Waajib. Commentary:
Now this needs some elaboration. What we have here is essentially an Ash'ari versus Maturidi treatment of the Sifaat Fi'liyyah. Now after al-Kashmiri did justice in explaining the view of Ibn Taymiyyah, and Abu Hanifah, the Imaams and the Salaf as a whole - even if it was through the language of the people of Kalaam - he is now addressing a purely Ash'ari versus Maturidi issue. This brings us to the end of this quote from al-Kashmiri and our comments. As there is a lot in this article it is important we summarize the important lessons we can take away from it. Closing Notes and Lessons So these are the most important things you should take away from this article:
The first: Distinguishing between those showing honesty, justice and genuine scholarship (even if we consider them to be upon error in their orientation broadly speaking) from that breed of conniving dishonest Jahmite that unfortunately reared its ugly head in the 20th century and which unfortunately dominates todays polemic against the followers of the righteous Salaf and whose offspring are found in abundance on the blogs, forums and websites. We are talking here about the collection of swindlers, shysters, fraudsters, be those with calculated intent, or the deluded clueless ignorant who follow them. Here is what we mean (only by way of example):