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The Ash'aris: We Believe in Two Qur'ans Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Sunday, October, 18 2009 and filed under Articles Key topics: Qur'an Qur'an
Introduction on the Saying of the Mutakallimoon Regarding Allaah's Speech and the Qur'an The Mutakallimoon (Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah) reject that Allaah has actions tied to His will and power, and they were forced to hold this position because they used a false, corrupt intellectual proof against the Atheists to prove that the universe is created, and this proof is through the demonstration that the bodies (ajsaam) that make up the universe are subject to occurrences (hawaadith), and this is a proof that the bodies themselves are occurrences (hawaadith), and are therefore created, and thus there must be a creator. Then they made this proof to be the ultimate truth without which the veracity of Islam (and of prophethood and resurrection) cannot be established. And when they did this, they were forced to reject Allaah's Names and Attributes. So the Jahmiyyah rejected everything because describing Allaah with anything would necessitate He is a body (jism), and the Mu'tazilah affirmed the Names (only outwardly), finding a way to rationally justify their affirmation whilst rejecting the Attributes and Sifaat Fi'liyyah (actions tied to Allaah's will). And the Kullaabiyyah Ash'ariyyah affirmed the Names and Attributes of the Essence but rejected the Sifaat Fi'liyyah (actions tied to Allaah's will).
So the Jahmiyyah said that Allaah does not speak at all and this Qur'an we have, recited, heard, memorized, in letter and word, is created, Allaah created it. And the Mu'tazilah said this Qur'an we have is created, but it can be said to be Allaah's "Kalaam" in the same way that we say "the House of Allaah" and "the Messenger of Allaah" and "the She-Camel of Allaah" and so on. And the Salaf stood against them and affirmed that this Qur'an we have, in letter and word, recited, heard and memorized, whether spoken by Allaah, or spoken by Jibreel, or spoken by Muhammad (alayhis salaam), or whether found in the Preserved Tablet, all of it is a single Qur'an and it is all uncreated - meaning the words of this Qur'an, because they originated with Allaah, and they are from Allaah's speech which is uncreated. So then came Ibn Kullaab al-Qattan al-Basri and whilst affirming that this Qur'an we have, recited, heard, memorized, in letter and word, is created, he innovated a saying, which is that Allaah's "Kalaam" is simply a meaning (ma'naa) that resides with Allaah's self, and that is uncreated, and as for this Qur'an we have, it is a "quotation" (hikaayah) of that meaning, and that this Qur'an is created. And this view was taken up by Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari who said what we have is an "expression" (ibaarah), and not a quotation, and this saying was taken up by the Ash'arites thereafter. And in reality, their view is no different to the Mu'tazilah. What the Kullaabi Ash'arites call "Kalaam Nafsee" (that meaning present with Allaah's Self) is what the Mu'tazilah call "ilm" (knowledge) and "iraadah" (will). - See al-Buti, the contemporary Ash'ari breaking it down here. Thus, the saying of the Ash'arites became that we have two Qur'ans in reality, and this is what they believe, except that they absolutely hate that their real view (harbored in secret) should be made public and propagated openly. Ibn Qudamah al-Maqidis's Debate with the Ash'aris Regarding the Qur'an Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee (d. 620H) said about the Ash'arites in his book, "Hikaayat ul-Munaadharah fil-Qur'aan Ma'a Ba'd Ahl il-Bid'ah" (Narrative of the Debate Regarding the Qur'an with Some of the People of Innovation) - which is his documenting of his debate with the Ash'aris on the subject of the Qur'aan. He says on pages 34-35:
Go and take a read of what al-Bayjuri (d. 1276H) has said in "Haashiyah" (Marginal Commentary) to "Jawharat ut-Tawheed" which is one of the major textbooks of the Ash'ari creed - go and read here - he says that the Qur'an we recite and read is created but we should not really say that openly! And consider that Ibn Qudaamah preceded al-Bayjuri by 650 years, and so the Ash'arites have not changed that much since his time. And immediately after the above passage, Ibn Qudaamah said, (p. 35)
So the saying of the Ash'arites is that when we pray and we recite al-Faatihah and other parts of the Qur'an, this is not the real Qur'an we are reciting, this is something created which is from the expression of Jibreel - and there are many other disgraces such as this which Ibn Qudaamah has exposed about these people and inshaa'Allaah that can be the subject of another article.