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Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jeelaanee (d. 561H): The Ash'arites Who Say the Qur'an is an Ibaarah (Expression) Are Threatened with the Hellfire (Saqar) Just Like al-Waleed bin al-Mugheerah al-Makhzoomee Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Wednesday, November, 25 2009 and filed under Articles Key topics: Abdul-Qadir Al-Jeelaanee Qur'an Abdul-Qadir Al-Jilani
Bayaan Talbees al-Jahmiyyah al-Ash'ariyyah In previous articles we explained how the Jahmite Ash'aris believe in secret that the Qur'an we recite and memorize is just an "ibaarah (expression)" of the second Qur'an they believe in (which is just a meaning present with Allaah's Self), and that this ibaarah is created (but they forbid that this should be said openly) as is explicitly stated in al-Bayjuri's Haashiyah upon al-Jawharah (one of their standard and most famous textbooks). Then there was the saying of Fakhr ud-Din ar-Razi (d. 606H) that the As'haris and Mu'tazilah are actually agreed that the Qur'an we have is created, but they just differ on issues of wording and terminology (see here). Then there is the saying of the contemporary Ash'ari, Muhammad Sa'eed Ramadan al-Buti - and we brought his saying establishing the same (see this article). And likewise the saying of al-Juwaynee (d. 478H) confirming they are in agreement with the Mu'tazilah regarding the Qur'an being created (in this article), and then another article on another section in al-Bayjuri's Haashiyah confirming that the Qur'an that is recited (maqroo') is created (see this article). All of this is based upon their doctrine of Kalaam Nafsee that they stole and plagiarized from the Kullaabiyyah and whose beginnings lay in the schemes and plots of the Jahmiyyah Lafdhiyyah in their saying that this Qur'an we have is only a "hikaayah" - see Ahmad bin Sinaan al-Waasitee (d. 258H), the Shaykh of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim speak about those zindeeqs in this article here, and see Ibn Battah (d. 387H) discuss the roots and origins of the Kullaabiyyah Ash'ariyyah in the doctrines of the conniving Jahmiyyah Lafdhiyyah in this article here. We also brought a quote from the Mufassir, Ibn Jareer at-Tabari (d. 310) in which he cleaned out the rat-holes and secret hideouts of the Jahmites in a single sweep, cursing them, reviling them and making takfeer of them on account of their claiming the Qur'an (that we read, recite, memorize and hear) is created - may Allaah have mercy upon him. And all of the above, sent them fleeing on their heels, full of awe and terror, with their intellectual frauds and innermost secrets brought out into the open and pounded with fire and brimstones - with not a whisper or whimper in response. In addition to all of that we brought the takfeer made by Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilaanee (d. 561H) of those who say that the Qur'an we have with us is merely a created "ibaarah" (expression). In fact he spoke with very severe words, which you can read in full in this article here (and you must take caution because there are lots of fireworks going off in every direction in that article!). We want to now bring some more speech from Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jeelaanee on the subject and it is something he says within the same section we quoted from previously in the book "al-Ghunyah". Shaykh Abdul-Qadir: Whoever Says the Qur'an is an Ibaarah (Expression) is Threatened with the Saqar (Hellfire) He says in "al-Ghunyah Li Taalibee Tareeq il-Haqq" (Daar ul-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1997, 1/128-129):
This translates:
And Allaah, the Exalted, had threatened al-Waleed bin al-Mugheerah al-Makhzoomee, when he called the Qur'an "the speech of man" - with the Saqar: This follows on from the previous statement that was the subject of another article (see here). Just for the record, and for history and posterity, its worthwhile doing: The Slow-Motion Replay We're just going to replay the last part of the statement which is of significance to us here: Play:
Thus, everyone who said: "The Qur'an is an expression (ibaarah)... Pause: Such as is the standard doctrine of the Ash'arites in all their textbooks, from al-Baqillani's (d. 403H) "at-Tamheed" and "al-Insaaf", al-Bagdhadi's (d. 429H) "Usool ud-Deen", al-Juwaynee's (d. 478H) "al-Irshaad" and through to all the books of the Ash'arites, those of al-Ghazali (d. 505H), ar-Razi (d. 606H), al-Aamidee (d. 631H), al-Eejee (d. 756H) right through until this day of ours - their doctrine is that the Qur'an we have with us is only a created expression (ibaarah) of the meaning that is present with Allaah's self. Thereafter, they used a variety of trickery and deception in wording to conceal the reality of their saying to protect themselves from the scorn of all people with sound fitrah - plays with words and definitions that were not hidden to the Scholars of the Sunnah, and to the likes of Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jeelaanee - and certainly not to the early Salaf like the Shaykh of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, Ahmad bin Sinaan al-Waasitee who spoke regarding those Jahmite Lafdhiyy Zindeeqs with whom the claim of this Qur'an present with us being a "hikaayah" (quotation) first originated - see that here. Play:
... or that "it is created", or that "my pronunciation of the Qur'an is created" ... Pause: As is taught in all Ash'arite institutions and centers across the world, through the likes of books such as al-Bayjuri's Haashiyah upon Jawharat ut-Tawheed and in which there is explicit mention that the Qur'an which is al-lafdh al-maqroo' (the recited word) is created, and that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is superior to the recited word (al-lafdh al-maqroo') because he is the best of all creation (meaning the recited word is created), and repeating that this Qur'an that is recited is created on at least three occasions - see this article here, where we find the following three quotes from this standard Ash'arite texbook (p. 161):
This translates:
And is the Qur'an with the meaning of the wording that is recited more excellent? Or is our leader, Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) [more excellent]. Some of them have held on to what has been reported [that]: "Every letter is better than Muhammad and the family of Muhammad". However it's [authenticity] is not verified as established. And the truth is that he (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is more excellent because he is more excellent than every created thing (makhlooq), as is taken from the speech (i.e. commentary) of al-Jalaal al-Mahallee upon the Burdah. And what supports this is that it (the Qur'an) is the action of the reciter and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is more excellent than the reciter and all of his actions. But it is safer to withhold from the likes of this, for the mind being devoid of this does not harm it. End summarized quote from the Haashiyah of the Shaykh, al-Ameer. And al-Bayjuri says in another place (p. 162):
And the outcome (of this discussion) is that every apparent [text] from the Book and the Sunnah that indicates [its] Hudooth [meaning "created", to them the Mutakallimoon] then it is to be carried to [be in reference] to the wording [lafdh] that is recited (al-lafdh al-maqroo') and not the Kalaam Nafsi (meaning residing eternally with Allaah's Self]. However it is prohibited for it to be said, "The Qur'aan is created", except in the situation of teaching, as has been said. And a couple of pages eary al-Bayjoori's said (p. 160), leaving no room for any doubt:
And the madhhab of Ahl us-Sunnah is that the Qur'an, with the meaning of al-Kalaam an-Nafsi [the meaning that resides eternally with the Self of Allaah] is not created. And as for the Qur'aan with the meaning of the lafdh (the wording) that we recite, then it is created. However, it is prohibited that it be said, "The Qur'aan is created" intending by that the wording which we recite - except in the context of teaching. Because it may give the presumption that the Qur'aan, with the meaning of His The Most High's Kalaam (i.e. that which resides in the Self) is created. And for this reason, the scholars withheld from speaking with the Qur'aan [being] created. In all of these quotes you can clearly see that to the Ash'arites it is that which is maqroo' (what is recited) that is created. And this is none other than the saying of the Jahmiyyah Lafdhiyyah and you can learn about this species in our article:
And you should also note that the book we have quoted from is one that makes tahqeeq (corroborating what is correct) of that which is in the madhhab - so it means that the book provides the actual, standard Ash'arite doctrines that they hold as their religion before Allaah. Play:
... then the Hellfire is for him just as it is for al-Waleed, unless he repents. End: And this is what is said by Imaam at-Tahawi in his creed regarding those who claim that this Qur'an, in our presence, in letter and word, is created:
فمن سمعه فزعم أنه كلام البشر فقد كفر، وقد ذمه الله وعابه ، وأوعده بسقر، حيث قال تعالى : ( سأصليه سقر ) ، فلما أوعد الله بسقر لمن قال : ( إن هذا إلا قول البشر ) علمنا وأيقنا أنه قول خالق البشر ، ولا يشبه قول البشر Which translates:
So whoever hears it (the Qur'an) and claims that it is the speech of man, he has disbelieved. And Allaah has rebuked and censured him, and has promised him with the Hellfire, when the Most High said: "I will cast him into Hell-fire" (Al-Muddaththir 74:24-26). So when Allaah promised the Hellfire for the one who said, "This is nothing but the word of a human being!", we know and are certain that it is the saying (qawl) of the creator of man, and [that] it does not resemble the saying of man. And this verse is also used by the Salaf in general against those who held the Qur'an to be created. Save that it should be pointed out that the Ash'arites differ as to where the Qur'an originated (in the letter and word we have with us) so some of them say it was created in the Preserved Tablet and others say it was created in Jibreel (after the singular indivisible meaning was inspired to him!) and others say it was created in the speech of Muhammad (alayhis salaam).